Subject: X11 Problem
To: None <>
From: Brian Egeness <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 12/21/2001 03:34:53
PowerMac 8500/XLR8 Dual G4 450MHz Upgrade Card
OF 1.0.5
ATI Radeon
NetBSD MacPPC 1.5.2

When I issue the startx command X starts up but the X window looks like the
pixels are advanced by 400 pixels at every line making the screen look like
a diagonal mess. I can see the shell in the backround which shows up in
black at the bottom 1/4 of the screen but nothing in the X window is even
remotely identifiable. The only files I've configured are rc.conf for
multi-user and wscons.conf for 832x624. I've tried other resolutions to no
avail. For my Radeon card, words reveals open, set-mode...the works. Any
clues? I just started using NetBSD 2 weeks ago so please give explicit
directions and examples when replying. Is it a problem with
horizontal/vertical frequencies or refresh rates? What else do I have to
configure,create, or set up? I'm at my wits end. :)

