Subject: giving up on 9500 video for now
To: None <>
From: paul beard <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 12/16/2001 15:20:14
running it headless is probably its default state, so this is not the best
use of time. Here's where I'm leaving it, in case anyone sees anything amiss:
input-device ttya ttya
output-device pci1/ATY,mach64 ttya
using pci1 as an alias for the second PCI bus (the other one's address starts
with F2).
pci1 /bandit@F2000000
0 > " pci1" select-dev ls unselect-dev
FF840058: /ATY,mach64@F
so I'm being as straightforward as I can be: use the device known as
ATY,mach64 on pci bus 1 (alias /bandit@F2000000) as the output device.
Thanks for the help so far. Now to figure out this scanner problem.
Paul Beard
8040 27th Ave NE
Seattle WA 98115
Software, n.:
Formal evening attire for female computer analysts.