Subject: Re: OF command editing keys
To: gabriel rosenkoetter <>
From: Michael Wolfson <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 12/13/2001 22:12:36
At 12:11 AM -0500 12/14/01, gabriel rosenkoetter wrote:

:)On Thu, Dec 13, 2001 at 09:29:14AM -0800, Michael Wolfson wrote:
:)> Tsk tsk.  I've already got the most important of what he had posted.
:)Didn't mean to be suggesting a lack, necessarily, just that that
:)quick-reference list was convenient.

Though your unawareness of the nvedit page made me look a little closer.
Seems that there are a few better places I could link to it implying that
the information it contains is useful.

:)> At some later date (i.e. when I have gobs and gobs of time), I'll fill in
:)> the rest.
:)Fair enough. :^>

Y'all port-macppc'ers know that I wouldn't be averse to anyone else helping
out by working on the macppc webpages, right?  My list of things to do is
growing more rapidly than I'm completing items.

Even if you're not a developer, I'd be happy with diffs between a current
webpage and suggested changes.

  -- MW