Subject: PowerMac G3 unable to boot from HD (part 2)
To: None <>
From: Jeff Arenberg <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 12/11/2001 09:25:33
Here is some additional information.

I have real-base=F00000, load-base=600000, boot-file=ofwboot.xcf (not netbsd
on purpose).

If I type "boot fd:0" I get ofwboot to run and am now at the boot> prompt.
If I just type "netbsd" I get the kernel from the floppy.  Every combination
of ide[*],netbsd fails.

> I have a 233Mhz Desktop G3 running Open Firmware 2.0f1.  I've run SystemDisk
> and can get to the Open Firmware prompt.  I can boot from the floppy disk to
> NetBSD fine and I've run the install from a CD to a local HD on ide0.  I can
> run a shell from the floppy and mount the HD in BSD and all the files are
> present.  I've run installboot to the HD.  What I can't do is get the #$%^$#@
> Mac to boot off the HD.  I've tried every combination device combinations I
> can think of.  I'm about ready to give up.  HELP!
> (note if there's a way to boot from the floppy and then tell BSD to reload the
> kernal and run init from the HD without rebooting, or change the floppy to
> mount the HD during init, I'd take either of those solutions as well).
> Thanks,
> Jeff