Subject: Re: Installing NetBSD on PowerBook 3400c
To: None <>
From: Makoto Fujiwara <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 11/22/2001 07:49:27
Is anybody willing to put the result of devalias on PowerBook 3400c ?
That should help resolving this kind of problem.

From: Marc "No Junk" Bathgate <>
Subject: Re: Installing NetBSD on PowerBook 3400c

Marc> I'm on the same track here...PowerBook 3400c, 1.5.2 release. It 
Marc> installed okay (stupid network timeout drove me crazy, though...) but 
Marc> now it won't boot. Using the settings you suggested below yields the 
Marc> same result:

From: S Lafredo <>
S> try...

S> setenv boot-device ata0@0:0
S> reset-all
S> boot

Wojciech > Now I was trying to boot from the disk writing something like:

Wojciech > 0 > setenv boot-device /bandit/ohare/ata@0:0
Wojciech > but it says then : can't OPEN /bandit/ohare/ata@0:0

I would guess one of the following was the answer.
  boot ata1/@0:0
  boot ata0/@0:0
Makoto Fujiwara