Subject: Re: powerbook G4 keyboard and 1.5Y
To: Rob Latham <>
From: =?ISO-2022-JP?B?GyRCRiM4NhsoQiAgGyRCQD8bKEI=?= / Makoto Fujiwara <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 11/19/2001 20:15:08
> Mon Nov 19 20:09:32 2001
Rob> when ( in my case) hd:12,/bsd can't be found. At this point, i can type
Rob> away, and have no problem booting hd:12,/netbsd.
Rob> keys durring bootup. I still am presented with a "Enter pathname..."
Rob> prompt to which i cannot respond.
It seems to me very consistant with my symptom.
I would suggest running netbsd.GENERIC_MD.gz again to get install shell
and make link /bsd -> /netbsd at installed partition.
(ln /mnt/netbsd /mnt/bsd )
This is to avoid typing at Boot: prompt.
If you type anything at Boot: prompt, you may have something like
adb0 at obio offset 0x16000 irq 47: 0 targets
adb0 at obio offset 0x16000 irq 47: 3 targets
which should be normal.
Makoto Fujiwara