Subject: Re: MESH problems with 1.5Y snapshot
To: NetBSD-ppc <>
From: Xavier HUMBERT <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 11/15/2001 19:10:29
In message <>,
Steven Sartorius wrote:
>I recently installed the new 1.5Y snapshot on my UMAX J700. From time to
>time, when doing anything disk intensive (compiling, untaring pkgsrc) the
>system will lock up solid with the messages:
>'mesh0: timeout state 3'
>'mesh: resetting dma'
>Has anyone else seen this behavior?
yes, very recently on a 8500/120
I rebuilt the kernel with the new PMAP thing (options NEWPMAP).
FWIW, no problem since then, though it seems to be unrelated.
The mean reason is that mesh is a piece of crap, Apple did a ton of
undocumented patches to make it work.
Xavier HUMBERT - Systemes et Reseaux |