Subject: Re: installing to tibook
To: Joseph Sarkes <>
From: gabriel rosenkoetter <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 10/23/2001 10:31:08
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On Tue, Oct 23, 2001 at 09:27:55AM -0400, Joseph Sarkes wrote:
> I have a tibook with the 4.1.8 firmware on it. I thought
> I saw a message that stated that only -current would=20
> run on 4.1.8 but I can not find a snapshot of a recent
> vintage to use. If there is something already on the
> ftp server that will work on this machine, please let
> me know which version it is.=20
If we're really lacking a remotely current snapshot, bug me
privately and I'll make a new one. (I'd start the build right now,
but my macppc-current-building 7300 is sans power atm.)
> My second question is whether using the new toolchain
> stuff, I can make my own -current for macppc using my
> netbsd i386 system. If this is working, and someone has
> done this, please send me the incantation.
I don't think the cross tools in the new toolchain are operable
right now, but I haven't been following too closely.
~ g r @
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