Subject: Looking for datapoints re: fast SCSI adapters on NetBSD-macppc
To: None <>
From: Monroe Williams <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 09/28/2001 17:14:02
It appears that the Adaptec 29160 card I bought for my NetBSD-macppc server
Just Doesn't Work Reliably under NetBSD. I've tried it in two different
machines, with several different cables and drives, and it always blows up.
(See my posts earlier this month to port-macppc for details.) I even get
errors on boot when probing the bus when NOTHING is plugged into the card
(not even a cable). Under MacOS 9 and X, everything seems to work fine.
I've also tried a couple of earlier models of Adaptec SCSI cards (2940UW and
2940U2W), and while it seems that earlier models are more reliable, I've had
intermittent failures with them all.
I'm now looking for any data points related to _any_ fast/wide SCSI cards
being used with NetBSD. Both success stories and failures are valuable.
The faster the better (I've got Ultra160 drives waiting to be used), but I'd
like to hear about anything down to Ultra-Wide.
Thanks in advance,
-- monroe
Monroe Williams