Subject: Re: ddb and USB keyboards....
To: Anton Gunnarsson <>
From: Bruno Clermont <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 09/13/2001 10:46:57
it's a know issue, look at
you should remove DDB from your kernel.
I wonder why you need -current, i have a G4-533mhz here, working fine,
except the nasty bug with USB when the root USB-hub is disconnected that
crash the kernel.
I look at a G4-733 yesterday, and the hardware is the same, except the
CPU += 200mhz.
On Thu, 2001-09-13 at 04:27, Anton Gunnarsson wrote:
> I recently installed NetBSD on a G4 733MHz, i checked out the
> latest kernel from the CVS (couldn't get anything else to work ..)
> The machine runs almost fine .. it crashes once a week and jumps into ddb
> but the USB keyboard doesn't work in ddb.. any ideas why? Is this a know bug?