Subject: Re: Completely stumped
To: gabriel rosenkoetter <>
From: David A. Gatwood <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 08/27/2001 11:55:45
Oops, meant to reply all. Re-sending.
On Sunday, August 26, 2001, at 03:05 AM, gabriel rosenkoetter wrote:
> On Sun, Aug 26, 2001 at 09:49:06PM +1200, matthewahearn wrote:
>> I have successfully installed Darwin onto a Macintosh 9500. So I am of
>> course running in console mode. Please can any body point me in the
>> right
>> direction for resources so I may understand how to use a modem/PPP
>> etc. I am
>> a complete beginner (idiot) so I am looking for beginners guide stuff
>> here.
> Nothing personal, but this isn't exactly the right forum for that
> question, being as most of the people here are dealing with NetBSD
> and only some of them have dealt with Darwin.
> As I never have, I don't even know if it ships with an operable pppd
Somewhere, but I'm not sure where. Or at least pieces of it... or...
maybe not. Anyway, the userland ppp stuff of freebsd fame should work,
I think, as should the stock pppd from the *BSDs if you compile it. The
kernel code is there for sure.
> (or even has a userland interface to the serial ports, though I'd
> suspect it does if MacOS X uses them). Reading the pppd(8) and
> chat(8) man pages localized to your system are the only good places
> I can think of to start, short of doing a web search for
> documentation which you are pretty clearly capable of doing
> yourself.
Look on, Also, you should consider joining the darwin
mailing lists on
All opinions are mine and mine alone, not those of my employer, yada,
yada, yada.