Subject: Re: naive question
To: Pedro Alves <>
From: Bill Studenmund <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 07/30/2001 17:36:48
On Mon, 30 Jul 2001, Pedro Alves wrote:

> I'm trying to install NetBSD in an PowerBook 3400c, OF 2.0.1
> I don't have any CD burner that allows me to do an ISO9660 CD, with
> current NETBSD image.
> However, when reading the installations instructions manual, I saw
> that OF 2.0.1 can be installed from "Partition zero", and later in
> the text I read that I can boot form a ZIP drive.
> Since I have a ZIP drive in my media bay, can I boot from it? Second
> question, how it works the partition zero? What kind the formation
> mush have the ZIP? What is the method to install correctly the
> necessary files of NETBSD to have a sucess?

Telling OF to boot from partition "0" is a code term to tell it to boot
from the first loadable driver on the disk. It's not a real partition in
the file system sense of the word.

Take care,
