Subject: Re: How to use /dev/openfirm?
To: None <>
From: Andrew Cagney <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 07/29/2001 15:54:57
> :)(If you end up finding documentation or working out the details
> :)yourself, writing something up for the mail archives and, ideally,
> :)the FAQ would rock.)
> Maybe the FAQ if I had some idea of what one does with the openfirm device.
> What is it good for? Can one query/change settings like the sparc's nvram
> command?
Open modify:
battery at obio0 offset 0x0 not configured
backlight at obio0 offset 0xf300 not configured
Implement openfirmware-fs.
Play with the second frame buffer found on a G4 Ti.
But then I'm an open firmware fanatic so your l/100km might vary :-)