Subject: Re: 2 HD with a powermac 4400/160
To: None <>
From: Izumi Tsutsui <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 07/27/2001 01:04:27
In article <v03130303b785e8ba4638@[]> writes:
> In the first generations of PowerMacs that had IDE busses, Apple didn't
> intend to use the slave. That's why they had two busses -- one for the
> hard drive, and one for the cdrom. Around the time of the Beige G3's
> (ISTR), they changed their IDE chipset so that it could use slaves in
> MacOS, and could boot from slaves.
I think it was not chipset problem but the firmware or OS problem.
NetBSD could probe a disk at the slave on my Apus2000 while
MacOS could not find it.
(BTW my Apus2000 have only one IDE bus and CD-ROM is connected to mesh.)
Izumi Tsutsui