Subject: pcmcia/cardbus support
To: '' <>
From: Greg Kritsch <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 07/26/2001 12:04:20
> At 11:50 AM -0400 7/24/01, Andrew Cagney wrote:
> :)> So, when I insert the modem, it is recognized as com0,
> but I have no way
> :)> of knowing which /dev/tty??? to use for it. Any
> suggestions (and why
> :)> can't the attachment procedure announce which tty it's using)?
> :)
> :)
> :)Try tty10.
> OK, I'll give it a shot. BTW, how the heck was I supposed to
> figure that out?
Simple, just look up the major number of the "com" driver and the major
number of the /dev/tty?? entries... :-)
> :)(Was the builtin modem port ment to work on a TiBook?)
> AFAIK, no one has gotten the later PowerBook and iBook modems to work.
How about the internal modems on the G4 PowerMacs? I have an (AGP graphics)
and a (digital audio), and I'd love to be able to use the modems. Does
anyone have any idea what the problem is even?