Subject: Re: netbsd-current on 4400
To: None <>
From: Makoto Fujiwara <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 07/24/2001 20:55:53
Robert> I have compiled and installed netbsd-current (1.5W) on a mac 4400/200.
Robert> (Upgrade from 1.5.1) It boots but all network access is gone. Has anyone
Robert> else experienced this? Is there a new configuration step?
What is your NIC card ?
What will be shown if you type
dmesg | egrep '^tlp|^de|^ne'
Recent kernel starts using tlp* instead of de* or some.
Is yours that type of problem ?
I had 4400/200 also now, but I had no time to run NetBSD on it yet.