Subject: whooped and beaten by pb3400 and netbsd :)
To: None <>
From: mike <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 07/23/2001 23:14:30
for the life of me, i cannot get my powerbook 3400 (openfirmware 2.0.1)
to boot off of any of the 9 cdroms i've burned. i've downloaded the files
in binary mode, am using the .xcf version of ofwboot, i'm using all
capital letters just like dir atapi:\ shows, etc. i've searched high and
low, followed all advice i could find, and no, sadly i haven't got a
floppy drive (or a macos boot cd, bought the powerbook pre-used). and i
nuked my HFS partition while trying to install Debian (my second choice, I
really want NetBSD). everytime i try to boot the ofwboot.xcf file (boot
atapi:,OFWBOOT.XCF -a), i get the same old
unrecognized Client Program formatstate not valid
surely others have been where i am now, and i'm saving the 10th and last
blank cd i purchased in the hopes that at least one of those people are
still subscribed to this list. any advice will be gratefully received.