Subject: Re: firmware resetting on its own???
To: None <>
From: Michael Wolfson <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 07/23/2001 15:11:38
At 3:04 AM -0400 7/23/01, wrote:
:)I pasted below this paragraph, some output from my 1.5.1 install
:)attempts. (On the bright side since I'm doing this using the serial
:)port I can record evertying ). I'm curious why typing 'boot cd' would
:)reset my real-base. That is what causes the error when I tried to boot
:)for real.
I'd guess that your system does not have a 'cd' devalias. The fallback
AFAICT is to try booting from the Apple ROM if there is an inapproprate
device specified to the boot command.
-- MW