Subject: Re: first naive question of the day
To: Michael A. Smith <>
From: Michael Wolfson <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 07/23/2001 15:10:08
At 10:54 AM +0100 7/23/01, Michael A. Smith wrote:
:)!!WARNING!! I haven't had a Mac since I got rid by my SE in 1995, so I'm a
:)little behind the times.
Welcome back to the fold!
:)I'm thinking about picking up a G4 Cube as a desktop machine. I've read
:)through the list archives and seen Andrew White's excellent step-by-step on
:)how to dual-boot a Cube. Very informative.
Actually, the INSTALL notes are more current than Andrew's step-by-step,
and provide a much simpler install technique. They are, however, more
cumbersome since they cover all supported models, not just Open Firmware 3
systems. There's a section describing what porions of the INSTALL notes
are necessary to read.
:)My question is a bit simpler: What about if I don't want to dual-boot at
:)all. I'm not at all interested in MacOS and want a dedicated NetBSD Cube.
:)Does this make my installation harder or easier?
Not really, unless you netboot. Cubes (and all Open Firmware 3 systems)
require an XCOFF or ELF bootloader located on an HFS or HFS+ partition, and
partitioning using a MacOS tool.
Good luck,
-- MW