Subject: Re: Bootstrapping without MacOS
To: Ken Wellsch <>
From: Michael Wolfson <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 07/21/2001 09:46:11
At 9:08 AM -0400 7/21/01, Ken Wellsch wrote:
:)I expect copyright keeps us from stashing liberated copies of both Disk
:)Tools and System Disk on the NetBSD ftp site.
I don't think anyone has asked. In any case, there are Darwin equivalents
that are open source that we could clean-room and modify to our needs.
:)I am glad to see that unlike the 68k based Macs (at least a few years ago
:)anyway), that I should be able to run NetBSD without MacOS on this box.
Yes and no -- it's good in that we don't require MacOS to speed up boot
time and reduce the requirements, but not using MacOS makes our boot and
install procedure significantly more complex on Open Firmware 1.0.5, 2.0.x,
and 2.4. And, to keep things consistent, this makes booting on Open
Firmware 3 just as complex.
:)The S900 came without any peripherals save the floppy drive. I'm planning
:)to add the necessary hardware to produce a working box. Hopefully I'll not
:)run into "it needs Apple tweaked peripherals to work" ... and that being
:)a clone box, it will not have other "features" that doom my attempt.
Since you've got a working video card, I think the only problem might be if
you wanted to netboot and there's no built-in ethernet. Everything else
can be non-Apple.
:)One clearly needs MacOS experience here; being an old UNIX dinosaur is a
:)handicap I'll have to overcome if I want to run UNIX on a Mac/PPC I think.
[g]. Actually, you're past the MacOS problems, since System Disk doesn't
work on your machine. Now it's on to the Open Firmware problems.
Good luck,
-- MW