Subject: Bootstrapping without MacOS
To: None <>
From: Ken Wellsch <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 07/20/2001 17:31:51
I have a UMAX S900 without MacOS. I'm trying to follow the System
Disk Tutorial. It recommends that I download the Disk_Tools_PPC.img
file for the folks that do not have MacOS. I've done so and have a
file called Disk_Tools_PPC.img.bin. I've confirmed that blindly dd'ing
that onto a floppy is not going to work. So I mumbled around and
using pkg/macutil on NetBSD/i386 was able to extract the data portion.
That, when dd'ed onto a floppy, at least gave me a happy floppy face,
but immediately ejects that floppy and appears to want another. I tried
applying the above to SystemDisk2.3.1.smi.bin but that just gets punted
immediately from the floppy drive.
Can someone explain how I complete these first steps using a nonMac (sw/hw)
NetBSD system to derive what I need to continue following the Tutorial
so I can run the System Disk utility?
Thank you!
-- Ken Wellsch