Subject: Re: Tell me again why we want floppy images?
To: NetBSD macppc <>
From: caportel <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 07/18/2001 11:17:38
on 7/18/01 1:50 AM, Michael Wolfson at wrote:
> At 11:42 AM -0700 7/17/01, "Henry B. Hotz" wrote:
> :)I just formatted a 1.44MB floppy as MS-DOS and copied ofwboot.xcf and
> :)netbsd.ram.gz onto it. I renamed the latter to netbsd.gz.
> :)
> :)It boots on an OF 1.0.5 machine with
> :)
> :)boot fd:1,ofwboot.xcf netbsd.gz
> :)
> Can some people check their other OF 1.0.5 and OF 2.0.x and 2.4 machines to
> see if this works? Once there's enough consensus that this method
> universally works, I'm all for changing the instructions/FAQ.
Ok... I tried on my beige G3 Rev. A and did not work. I got the
"unrecognized Client program formatstate not valid" error and the "CLAIM
failed" error.
Carlos Portela