Subject: Re: New floppy writing weirdness.
To: gabriel rosenkoetter <>
From: Michael Wolfson <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 07/12/2001 08:59:57
At 8:21 AM -0400 7/12/01, you wrote:
:)Michael, I notice 1.5.1 is actually accessible now, so maybe it's
:)too late, but if you want to add that at least to the web page.
Right, it's too late.
:)This is relevant to macppc because if anybody's trying to make a
:)set of i386 floppies to boot some random old hardware they find,
:)they can't do it at all on a mac, running MacOS or NetBSD. (Well,
Don't forget good old suntar.
:)like, "You can use Disk Copy 6.3.3--or earlier? has anyone tried
:)that?--on MacOS 9 or above, or on MacOS 8 or above if you change
:)the file and creator types, but only if the file is exactly 1440
:)KB. If it's smaller, then Disk Copy won't recognize it as a floppy
That's why I haven't written anything up -- we're still finding gotchas
about using DiskCopy. When I have confidence in what OSes and parameters
and floppy images work, I'll write it up. I hate putting up incorrect or
incomplete info, because it tends to bite me later.
-- MW