Subject: Re: PB 1400 update
To: Phil Frost <>
From: Henry B. Hotz <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 07/11/2001 17:46:23
At 4:25 PM -0500 7/11/01, Phil Frost wrote:
>At my current location, I have no acess to anything unix except via ssh or
>a webserver that doesn't have enough HD space to install any development
>tools. I can't get squat for my laptop, every unix flavor OS I have found
>that might run on it doesn't support pcmcia. If there is such an OS, I
Well, is Tenon's Mach 10 product still available? It runs on top of
MacOS and therefore shouldn't care a lot about what machine it's on.
Cross my heart, strike me dead, stick a lobster on my head.
John Crichton -- Farscape, 6/15/01, or