Subject: Re: Random hangs with Xmacppc?
To: gabriel rosenkoetter <>
From: Dan Winship <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 07/11/2001 18:25:00
Oops. Missed the beginning of this thread...

On 10 Jul 2001 22:40:23 -0400, gabriel rosenkoetter wrote:
> On Tue, Jul 10, 2001 at 05:38:29PM -0700, Henry B. Hotz wrote:
> > I recall a comment on this list that there was a bug in the colormap 
> > code in OF 1.0.5 which would trash X after a while if you actually 
> > used it.
> Huh.
> But this is a PowerMac 6500. It has OpenFirmware 2.0f1.

I've seen it on my Blue G3 too (OF 3.x). So it doesn't depend on OF

I had a kernel once that I used for 4 months or so and never saw the
bug. But the kernels before and after that would hang fairly reliably. 

> Based on the nature of the crashes (when trying to create a new X
> window... not every new window, of course, but it's never something
> other than that)

It can also happen when you open a new file type for the first time in
emacs (forcing it to figure out the syntax highlighting for a new major
mode). It is definitely in the colormap code. The kernel gets lost
inside the call to OF_call_method_1 from ofb_putcmap.

-- Dan