Subject: Re: DiskCopy to make NetBSD Disks
To: caportel <>
From: Michael Wolfson <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 07/10/2001 08:33:25
At 1:54 AM -0300 7/10/01, caportel wrote:
:)O.K., O.K., I was at my work...
:)With Mac OS 8 and 8.1 even the most recent Disk Copy didn't work at all.
:)With Mac OS 8.5 also didn't work, but if you change the type/creator of the
:)image (boot.fs) to ddsk/rohd, you can make the floppy. I hope it will work
:)with 8.6, not tried yet.
I couldn't get rohd to work, but dimg did. Cool, thanks! This works with
8.6 on my machine. Did you try changing the type/creator and DiskCopy in
MacOS 8.1?
:)My machine is a beige G3 233 Rev. A with Open Firmware 2.1f. I hope this
:)will be useful...
Huh? Surely, you mean 2.0f1. BTW, can your Open Firmware boot from floppy
:)P.S.: I use dd to make a image from a HFS floppy in NetBSD and this image
:)mounted on Disk Copy. Yes, I can have my few Mac floppies mounted on newer
:)Macs ;-)
[g], cool!
Thanks a lot,
-- MW