Subject: Re: DiskCopy to make NetBSD Disks
To: gabriel rosenkoetter <>
From: Michael Wolfson <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 07/09/2001 08:50:22
At 5:21 AM -0400 7/9/01, gabriel rosenkoetter wrote:
:)On Sun, Jul 08, 2001 at 09:30:26PM -0700, Michael Wolfson wrote:
:)> OK, that makes me feel better. Could you try the MacOS 8 machine just to
:)> make sure I'm not crazy?
:)Um... I'd like to, but it's at Swarthmore College in Philadelphia
:)and I'm about to go to New York for two days.
:)Can it wait till Wednesday?
It can wait, but I can't believe there's *nobody* else out here on the list
that has a few minutes to try it out. Please? I need verification before
I write this up.
-- MW