Subject: Re: Booting new laptops (Was Re: OF boot string (Re: 1.5.1_BETA2
To: Nathan J. Williams <nathanw@MIT.EDU>
From: Michael Wolfson <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 07/06/2001 08:42:32
At 10:47 AM -0400 7/6/01, Nathan J. Williams wrote:
:)First problem: boot syntax. Eventually "boot hd:,ofwboot.xcf" worked,
:)but explicitly providing a partition number ("boot hd:n,ofwboot.xcf")
:)failed, for all values of n 0..9. Values of n > 1 failed with:
Try n >= 10. Like the instructions say, MacOS drivers often take up to the
first 8 partitions. That's why some examples explicitly list 10 and 12,
just as a reminder.
:)Next problem: The directions in "Boot off an HFS or HFS+ partition (OF
:)2.4, OF 3)". That section says to place boot.fs in your top level
:)directory and tell ofwboot.xcf to get the kernel there. That doesn't
:)work. I don't know if it's supposed to work (does ofwboot.xcf really
:)know how to open up a floppy image and find a kernel?), or if that
:)should instead refer to netbsd.ram.gz, which did work.
Yes, I had thought the instructions are clear. Could you re-read them and
give me suggestions on how to reword it? Just to be clear: ofwboot.xcf
*can* load the kernel from inside boot.fs from an HFS partition, *but* you
must specify the partition number of boot.fs. ofwboot.xcf *can* load any
kernel on an HFS partition, *but* it must be on the same partition as
ofwboot.xcf *and* you must not specify the partition number.
:)Next and most show-stoppingly, once that kernel booted, it failed to
:)attach many devices.
That's because iBook (Dual USB) support was added after the BETA2 snapshot
was made. The port-master has made sure that support will be in the 1.5.1
release (hopefully next week).
:)The bottom of the screen had the small-font message "method
:)<`usb-kbd-ihandle> not found; ihandle=ffbc90c0 phandle=ff92eb50".
I'm not sure of the cause of this message, but it is benign, and not an
indication of any problems. I ought to add this to the FAQ/INSTALL notes.
Wait 'till 1.5.1 is released, then try again.
Good luck,
-- MW