Subject: Re: Anyone want a 1.5.1 snapshot?
To: Todd Vierling <>
From: Lasse =?iso-8859-1?Q?Hiller=F8e?= Petersen <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 07/03/2001 08:09:29
At 5:38 +0200 03/07/01, Todd Vierling wrote:
>There have been imperative last minute pullups, including one just today,
>prompting rebuilds of base and kernels... on all 20-22 platforms to be
>released in 1.5.1. We can't open the directory to the world until it's
>ready to be frozen in stone, because no last minutes can go in after that
In other words, it hasn't _really_ been ready for over a week now. Thanks
for the good explanation. In case I'm not the only insufficiently patient
and clueless user, you might want to put that paragraph above on
>When that will be... Soon. Quite soon.
I'm looking forward to that. Eagerly, but now also more patiently. Again,
thanks for the explanation.