Subject: netatalk help please...
To: NetBSD MacPPC Mailinglist <>
From: Jojo <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 05/26/2001 12:41:51
hi there,
i have a little question about netatalk. i had it running perfectly and
then i updated pkgsrc via cvs and lintpkgsrc told that netatalk is
outdated. so i run a make update and everything seems to compile and
install fine... except for some file already exists errors on making the
directories [but i guess thats normal]. anyway, now i cant seem to start
atalkd, afpd starts just fine and i can connect with my mac by entering
the IP in the chooser. but atalkd gives me some error:
May 26 12:23:51 pplounge atalkd[231]: restart (1.4b2+asun2.1.3)
May 26 12:23:53 pplounge atalkd[231]: setifaddr: de0: File exists
May 26 12:23:54 pplounge atalkd[231]: difaddr(0.0): Can't assign
requested address
May 26 12:23:54 pplounge atalkd: difaddr(0.0): Can't assign requested address
May 26 12:23:54 pplounge atalkd: difaddr(0.0): Can't assign requested address
May 26 12:23:55 pplounge afpd[237]: Can't register pplounge:AFPServer@*
May 26 12:23:55 pplounge afpd[237]: ASIP started on
the odd thing is that i didnt tinker with the atalkd.conf file at all and
then i also tried the sample files both leaving them empty and some
different easy configurations for phase and zone... nothing. any old
files i have to get rid off to reset the sucker? i dont run any zones so
the easiest way to configure is suitable for me [but i need afp over IP].
and what also caught my eye is that it comes up with "(1.4b2+asun2.1.3)",
but i am running NetBSD 1.5 release...?
any help would be very appreciated... thx a bunch