Subject: Re: Editing nvramrc from within NetBSD?
To: None <>
From: Lars Kellogg-Stedman <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 05/22/2001 20:14:50
> :)> The Mac sends sends out a bootp query and receives a reply and at least
> :)> begins a tftp transaction.  The "CLAIM failed" message appears before the
> :)> kernel starts to boot -- possibly while ofwboot is still in control.

The PM7300 in question gets this far during a net boot process:

  0 > boot enet file:,owfboot.xcfloading XCOFF
  tsize=C1C0 dsize=1500 bsize=1608 entry=600000
  .text       ...misc hex...
  .data       ...misc hex...
  .bss        ...misc hex...
  loading .text, done..
  loading .data, done..
  clearing .bssCLAIM failed
  0 >

Since I've never seen a *successful* net boot on an OF 1.05 machine, I
don't know whether it's even started to run owfboot at this point.  Does
this output give anyone a better idea where the problem is?

-- Lars

Lars Kellogg-Stedman <>