Subject: Re: RFC: 1.5.1 release notes
To: None <>
From: Peter Fairbrother <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 05/16/2001 07:37:48
> Michael Wolfson at wrote:
> Attached are the release notes for 1.5.1.
> Please, I'd appreciate if I could get some of y'all to proofread them and
> let me know if anything's unclear, wrong, or missing.
> Yes, I know that the whole installation onto Open Firmware 3 models using
> sysinst is not correct. I'm waiting on resolution of PR 12631.
> And yes, I know it's *really* long. There's not really anything that can
> be removed.
> Comments and suggestions are welcome (unless they are recommending
> splitting the installation notes up by model or are complaining about
> sysinst).
Well, I need that coffee too, got about half-way through so far :)
You go through a long rigmarole about getting to OF, using lots of different
methods. As you only have to get to OF two or three times during an
installation, why bother? Why not just say "start up holding down O, F,
Command, Option"? Should work with most machines (perhaps after applying
System Disk).
Do you have to set autoboot false? As you only have to get to OF two or
three times during an installation, why bother? I've never done it for OF3
machines, but it might be useful on OF 1.05 machines to prevent booting by
mistake to MacOS, and thus rewriting nvram and OF variables to default
values, or to prevent resetting load-base on OF2 machines, as you state in
the notes.
BTW is it correct that booting MacOS does this? If so it's impossible to
have both netBSD and MacOS on OF1.05 and OF2 machines (at least without
major inconvenience).
Using Hybrid/pure iso CD's, there was a recent thread on this list about
this, seemed to contradict what's in the notes, but I don't understand it
myself. The "netBSD bootable CDROM howto" you refer to says something
different too. I'm confused. The notes are clear, I'm just not sure they're
It might make commenting easier if the notes were numbered. That's all for
-- Peter
ps just installed OpenBSD on a G4, the cup of coffee I made first was still
hot when I finished ...