Subject: Re: 8600 unstable
To: Charlie Allom <>
From: Michael Wolfson <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 05/15/2001 22:02:30
At 2:49 PM +1000 5/16/01, Charlie Allom wrote:
:)On Wed, May 16, 2001 at 02:47:07PM +1000, Charlie Allom wrote:
:)> With Mark's suggestion I also looked for an updated firmware
:)> patch, which let me boot from it! hurray!
:)Michael! not Mark! Michael Wolfson :)
[g]. Something like that. You wouldn't believe how badly people butcher
my last name too.
In any case, if you can keep the machine up long enough, try compiling a
kernel using siop instead of ncr, but the "deadbeef" implies a bug in the
SCSI code.
Good luck,
-- MW