Subject: Re: RFC: 1.5.1 release notes
To: Andrew White <>
From: Samuel Hornus <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 05/15/2001 02:27:03
Le mardi 15 mai 2001, =E0 02:20, Andrew White a =E9crit :
> OK. Do you want a mixed config on the second drive, or NetBSD only? =20=
> If you
> want NetBSD only, then you can simply clobber the drive with sysinst=20=
> and go
> from there.
Hey, it is not fun if the second HD is not mixed ;-) so of course I want=20=
some HFS+ on it !
> If you want a mixed config, you need to follow the instructions I gave=20=
> (or
> similar).
> As to the wd0 vs wd1 issue, the easiest way to fix this (assuming two=20=
> drives on a single bus) is to simply open the case and swap the master=20=
> and
> slave jumpers on the two drives. This also makes the old slave the=20
> primary
> (wd0) and the old primary the slave (wd1). MacOS doesn't care, and=20
> NetBSD
> is happy.
Yep I thought about it ten minutes ago and... forgot it the minute=20
later ! thanks for
remembering me this. I'll try it now.
> BTW: Have you partitioned the secondary drive at all?
Yep : 32 Mo for an HFS+ boot partition (can't be smaller : 40Go HD !)
512 Mo for / : isn't it too big ?
384 Mo of swap (256 Mo of RAM)
7 Go for /usr
the rest (~30 Go) for HFS+
do you think it's a correct partition scheme ?
>> 1: Does anyone has an idea the error come from ?
>> 2: what is the difference between /dev/wd1a and /dev/rwd1a ?
> Not sure off the top of my head. I think the wd vs rwd is a character
> special vs block special issue (two different ways of viewing and=20
> accessing
> the same physical device), but I warn that that is a guess from=20
> memory. I
> haven't checked this against the documentation.
OK, thanks!
Samuel Hornus.