Subject: Re: RFC: 1.5.1 release notes
To: Peter Fairbrother <>
From: Samuel Hornus <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 05/15/2001 01:53:43
Le lundi 14 mai 2001, =E0 08:15, Peter Fairbrother a =E9crit :

>> Samuel Hornus at wrote:
> [..]
>> Is the 'fully by hand' installation possible without another NetBSD
>> running on another drive ?
>> that is with macOS9 and macOSX only ?
> Yes. Use Andrew White's 'fully by hand' method, which I've sent you. =
> don't need Mac OS at all, except for Drive Setup, and you can run that=20=

> from
> a MacOS installer CD without installing MacOS.
> It worked on my G4 AGP.

Well, I started the 'fully by hand' method. Booting 'boot.fs' without=20
any problem.


My primary HD (wd0) is 'master' and have MacOS9.1 and MacOSX on it. I=20
don't want to touch it.
My secondary HD (wd1 - is it really wd1 or am I mistaking ?) is set to=20=


In order to know the partition scheme that is seen by NetBSD, I type :

disklabel wd1

It works fine with 'disklabel wd0' but fails with wd1 (that would be too=20=

easy ;-))
The error is : 	'wdc1 (or wd1c) lost interrupt'

So I can't continue the intall since I can't even blindly newfs wd1=20
partitions... :-(

1: Does anyone has an idea the error come from ?
2: what is the difference between /dev/wd1a and /dev/rwd1a ?

Thanks a lot !

Samuel Hornus.