Subject: Linux emulation status and Mac On Linux (was: Re: Mac-on-Linux)
To: Michael Wolfson <>
From: Emmanuel Dreyfus <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 04/20/2001 21:25:29
> Work is being done on improving the linuxppc emulation, but MOL still needs
> significant other changes.
Work on Linux emulation is now nearly halted. We can run some
interesting binaries, such as Netscape, Blender, Opera, and Blackdown
However, we still have a few bugs. RealPlayer won't work at all, and the
JDK hangs sometimes (when building ant, or when running Tomcat). I'd
like to fix this, but this would require tracking down the problem and
reprodiucing it with a small program. If there is a java expert here,
it's time to help!
About Mac-on-Linux, now. It's an open source project, hence we don't ned
Linux emulation to have it. And Linux emulation won't help, anyway,
because it relies on a kernel module (Linux compatibility works anly
with userland programs)
The kernel module itself relies on a few patches in low level kernel
code (mainly exception vectors). I think that the best way to do it
would be a COMPAT_MACOS option.
Emmanuel Dreyfus