Subject: connection timeouts behind firewalls
To: None <>
From: Daniel Lamblin <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 04/18/2001 14:25:18
this is more a usability question that's port inspecific, but since I'm only
subscribed to macppc I thought I'd mail it here.

Imagine you ssh from behind a firewall to you home netbsd machine, and edit a
file.  You don't save it because you're not done, and someone talks to you for
long enough to have the idle connection dropped by the firewall.  Then you ssh
back in to the box w looks like this:
bash-2.03$ w
 2:03PM  up 8 days, 16:05, 4 users, load averages: 0.20, 0.16, 0.16
 USER    TTY FROM              LOGIN@  IDLE WHAT
 daniell  p0 10:34AM  1:37 vi link_mp3codec 
 rsa      p1     10:36AM     0 -bash 
 daniell  p2  1:37PM     0 w 
 prak     p3 dsl092-069-098.b 12:52PM     2 -bash 

(I'm daniell), the process is still alive on tty p0, it's still my process, is
there any signal or other odd thing I could do to connect my tty p2 to ttyp0
and pick up where I left off, at least sending a :wq?  I know vi has the whole
recover mode, but it tends to miss my last 1 or 2 lines, which I sometimes
have the hardest time recalling.

is this even possible or should I just keep on killing the login shell for
