Subject: Re: OK, I give up. How do I use USB devices under NetBSD?
To: None <>
From: SUNAGAWA Keiki <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 04/17/2001 17:09:17

Michael Wolfson <> wrote:

Michael> First topic: USB keyboards and mice.

I'm using Elecom 3-button (wheel-with-middle) USB mouse on
my iBook (3GB harddrive model) with XFree86, which I built

ums0 at uhub0 port 1 configuration 1 interface 0
ums0: ELECOM ELECOM USB mouse with wheel, rev 1.00/0.00, addr 2, iclass 3/1
ums0: 3 buttons and Z dir.
wsmouse1 at ums0

How do you configure your OF settings of input/ouput device?
And what is the model you use?  Just to set input device to
"keyboard" which combines ADB/USB should work.

Michael> OK, so how do I use an USB keyboard or mouse
Michael> instead of the built-in devices in my laptop?
Michael> Additionally, how do I use them *without* giving up
Michael> the internal keyboard in case I go somewhere and
Michael> unplug the USB keyboard?

Well, unplugging USB conecter losts keyboard/mouse on my
machine, too.  I heard that connecting USB devices via USB
hub might solve this, but I have no USB hub, so I can't
check if this is true.

Michael> How do I get Xmacppc *and* Xfree86 to recognize the
Michael> USB keyboard/mouse?

USB keyboard/mouse is useable once the above problem is
fixed.  My /etc/XF86Config for iBook is available from here.

I might have applied the patch from Tsubai to XFree86 source
when I built it.  I'll put the XFree86 server binary If you
want to try, or dig the patch from mails at that time.
