Subject: Re: Newbie seeking basic understanding
To: None <>
From: Xavier HUMBERT <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 04/17/2001 08:32:19
In message <v03130303b700edd883f7@[]>,
Michael Wolfson wrote:
>Well, you're in luck -- I'm in the process of revising the installation
>notes. I've attached a copy of the current revision in process.
[snip 230 kB attachment]
Then in message <v03130307b7015353b94b@[]>,
Michael Wolfson wrote:
>I've attached the latest draft to this message.
[snip another 230 kB attachment]
I appreciate the work you make rewriting those notes. I can even help you
having I week troule installing a G4/350 AGP
But :
Please couldn't you put huge attachments like this on an FTP or Web site,
and just give the URL ?
Not every poeple have a T1 (or at least ISDN) at home.
Thank you _very_ much,
Xavier HUMBERT - Systemes et Reseaux |