Subject: Re: New user of PowerMacG4
To: Daniel Lamblin <>
From: Michael Wolfson <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 04/10/2001 09:50:44
At 11:32 AM -0400 4/10/01, Daniel Lamblin wrote:
:)> - NetBSD OFW console doesn't work for LCD screen, which turns
:)> black. I have to connect analog screen to see anything.
:)> I have noticed that OFW messages are printed out, but nothing
:)> comes from NetBSD console.
:)um, this sometimes happens with displays on older macs too.
Actually, the situation you're thinking of is where Open Firmware can't
sync to the monitor. The problem he's having is that NetBSD isn't
displaying. NetBSD just inherits the properties of the monitor from Open
Some PowerBook users have reported that the backlight of their LCD has been
turned off during boot. Try cranking up the brightness the next time you
try your LCD.
:)> - OFW console is very slow, especially with scrolling
As Tsubai-san said -- try the new option. It's *much* faster.
:)I don't think theres much argument that life could be so much better if
:)handled a framebuffer to make its own console. I'm surprised that the
:)available to mac68k machines doesn't work with macppc machines.
Because mac68k uses the hardware directly, macppc uses the Open Firmware
for console.
Have fun,
-- MW