Subject: Re(2): what CPU card for a 7500
To: None <>
From: Jojo <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 03/28/2001 07:43:08
i wont put the 604e/300 card in a 7500 as it will probably fry the
logicboard of that machine. they were developed only for specific 8600/
9600 models!
>thank you for the answers. I am only interested in NetBSD
>(probably I will play Ages of empires under MacOS occasionally:)).
>I currently have some options:
>604e 300MHz. card (USD 45,--)
>G3 400MHz. 512K Cache (USD 190,--)
>G3 400MHz. 1MB Cache (USD 250,--)
>G4 400MHz. 1MB Cache (USD 380,--)
>Does it make sense to use a G4 card under NetBSD (a G3 500
>costs about the same as a G4 400)? Does it make sense to pay
>more for 1MB cache?