Subject: RE: Informal poll: Installation instructions
To: '' <>
From: Bruce Korb <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 03/26/2001 09:51:32
> The possible meta-formats are:
> "The NetBSD Way" (the way it's currently written)
> Do not duplicate any information, have everything in order, but put in
> paragraphs that are specific to a particular Open Firmware version.
> Upside, easy to maintain the doc, but potentially confusing
No on "potentially confusing" anything. :-)
> "The Compromise" (the way I think it ought to be written)
> For sections that have a lot of Open Firmware
> version-specific information,
> break those sections apart [...] For sections that
> don't have much OF version-specific info, leave it combined [...]
I think this is likely fine. Clarity is crucial.
> "Separate But Equal"
> Essentially have four separate sets of installation
> instructions for each class of OF versions.
> The major downside of this is four separate copies,
Depends on how you organize the document. This does not
have to be true. The constructed final document ought
to be able to source in common stuff from common places, yes?
> "Basic plus HOW-TO"
> Have a general overview of the installation procedure and
> have links to
> HOW-TO style webpages for each class of OF versions. Same downside as
> before (four separate copies), plus it requires a web browser and an
> internet connection.
One _can_ browse a CD locally...
> The major upside is (again) no confusing info
> not related to your model, the ability to include images
> (such as snapshots of Drive Setup), and links to useful
> info (such as how to use nvramrc).
A major upside, indeed!