Subject: Re: [HOWTO] Installing on a recent Mac (DRAFT 1)
To: Charles M. Hannum <>
From: Daniel Lamblin <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 03/25/2001 03:15:59
there's a couple things I'd like to add quickly... but it is 6am and I havn't
slept so I'll keep it short... if it get mangled let me know.
1, the install kernel is on the CD iso that netbsd made for macppc (as far as
I can tell). You can't see it under macos possibly because its not in the HFS
information. When (with OFW1.0.5) I used boot scsi-int/sd3,0:ofwboot.cfx and
then entered netbsd.macppc as the kernel to boot, it would infact boot fine.
I used to have a CD tool/init that would allow you to mount a CD that had
various filesystem maps on it as multiple CDs, one for each view, I betcha
that tool would find netbsd.macppc just fine.
In light of that, it may not be necessary to copy anything an HFS partition,
as you could start up the installation kernel entirely off the CD.
2, A great way to work with the apple partition table is to use pdisk (the one
built as a macos app). I think I got it originally from the mklinux people,
or was it linuxppc... I forget.
[wouldn't it be cool if yaboot could boot a netbsd kernel in an FFS partition?]
I think that's all I had to say.
oh wait.
3, for oddness, I had a less than half filled MacOS (HFS I think) partition
that was the size of my whole disk. or rather, that's usual.
I wanted to save all that, but repartition the rest of the space. So I used
an defragger (norton in this case) to pack all the allocated blocks to the
top. Then I used pdisk to say I had 2 partitions of HFS type. I formatted the
second (seeing as it was blank). Now I had two macos volumes, one claimed to
be as large as the whole disk, but in actuality wasn't. Running like this
would be a bad idea. So I copied all the files to the other partition which
was pretty accurate and happy, and then formatted the first partition. This
way the allocation was properly sized for the partion size. I copied
everything back, and in pdisk I re partitioned the second partition into the
ones I'd need for the other OS. I then had to reformat all of them for that
OS. But that's how I saved my files without too many fancy tools.
okay thats all.