Subject: new snapshot
To: None <>
From: gabriel rosenkoetter <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 03/23/2001 17:29:35
I've successfully built a new snapshot, with one very important
See the recent discussion for more on this. If you've got a good way
to get around this (or you want to be the one to hack our bootloader
and our boot floppy generation process so that we use multiple
floppies like port-i386), be my guest. I don't really have any more
quality time to devote to this, but I'll be glad to rerun the boot
floppy generation with any fixes people want. (Or to build alternate
versions of the boot floppy.)
I do not run an anonymous ftp server and don't intend to, so until
the files reach (I haven't yet heard back from Bob
Nestor, but I understand he'll take care of that), you can get the
snapshot from:
(Either just the individual files or a tar'ed, gzip'ed version of
the snapshot directory.)
If you have any other special requests in the way of a special boot
floppy or GENERIC kernel (Yes, I remember you, Michael Wolfson, and
I'm building a kernel to your taste in just a moment... do you also
want a boot floppy with those modifications?), please say so. I'll
do what I can.
~ g r @