Subject: Re: Package devel/unproven-pthreads
To: Andrew White <>
From: gabriel rosenkoetter <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 03/20/2001 02:46:37
On Tue, Mar 20, 2001 at 05:34:51PM +1100, Andrew White wrote:
> According to the NetBSD page, this is not yet available (pre-built) for
> macppc, but I need it before I can build Bind v9. Where could I get the
> source so I can (attempt to) build it?
Just configure BIND9 with --disable-threads.
I don't recall whether I couldn't get unproven-pthreads to build on
macppc or couldn't get BIND9 to build after I had, but they're
really not necessary, especially if you've only really got one
processor anyhow.
For reference, my entire bind-9.1.1rc1 notes are attached. (Note
that I chroot named. Also note that it's no longer necessary to have
a statically-linked named-xfer in the chroot with named, as it takes
care of this internally now. Nor is it necessary to make a manually
localized ndc, since rndc just connects to the named running on the
localhost through usual TCP channels on the loopback interface.)
~ g r @
export CFLAGS='-O2'
./configure --disable-threads --with-openssl=/usr/pkg --prefix=/usr/local --sysconfdif=/etc --localstatedir=/var
make install
export CFLAGS='-O2 -static'
( cd bin/bind && make clean )
./configure --disable-threads --with-openssl=/usr/pkg --prefix=/usr/local --sysconfdif=/etc --localstatedir=/var
cp bin/named/named /chroot/named/named