Subject: Re: Update to OS 9.1 makes NetBSD unbootable?
To: None <,>
From: Martin J. Laubach <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 03/10/2001 10:01:15
| Wait a minute.  I was assuming that you had a NetBSD disk which was 
| separate from the MacOS one.  You somehow have a MacOS partition on a 
| NetBSD-disklabel'ed disk?  How'd you do that?

  No, just an A/UX partition with a NetBSD disklabel in it. Just
that it's located before the HFS partitions that hold MacOS.

  I guess the upgrade "knows" that there is some unused space
in A/UX partitions it can use for disk drivers and stuff, unfortunately
it isn't really unused. I should probably repartition and leave a
couple of megs at the start of the A/UX partition free, just in
