Subject: OF/serial console for 8600/200
To: netbsd/macppc <>
From: Philip Brodd <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 03/01/2001 14:07:42
I'm having some trouble getting started with an 8600/200.
With the patched SystemDisk, I can get into OF with the keyboard and
onboard video. When I then attempt to boot from cd, I get the "CLAIM
failed" message. As suggested in the install docs, I tried the boot
command again with the same result.
Now I am trying to use a serial console, but I've been unable to make it
work. I've tried using two different machines for this purpose: a
PowerBook 3400c running ZTerm, and a Dell PC running HyperTerminal.
Both were set to 38400 bps, 8 bits, no parity, 1 stop bit, no
handshaking. I've set the output-device and input-device to ttya, but
no OF prompt ever shows up in the term emulator's window.
Any suggestions?