Subject: Re: JDK status (was: Re: Netscape on macppc: it works!)
To: Todd Vierling <>
From: Emmanuel Dreyfus <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 02/27/2001 19:56:35
> : If it's not too ugly, we can try adding some MacOS compatibility code to
> : our kernel. Anyone know how it works exactly?
> Carbon and etc. programs, and pre-MacOSX programs, will probably need a
> little more help; in all cases, some MacOS files would be needed for
> graphical apps.
I was speaking about Mac On Linux: I wonder what is the support needed
in the kernel for it.
Emmanuel Dreyfus.
Ibhf irarm qr creqer ibger grzcf n qrpbqre har fvtangher fnaf vagrerg.