Subject: DDS DAT in Apple Network Server 500
To: None <>
From: Josh Escobedo <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 02/26/2001 16:24:43
Awhile back, someone (can't remember who you are, sorry) asked about the DD=
DAT drive in the ANS 500, and if it was supported by NetBSD1.5.
Well, I finally got around to popping a tape in and checking it.
[04:22:27 root]mt status
SCSI tape drive, residual=3D0
blocksize: 0 (0, 0, 0, 0)
density: 19 (0, 0, 0, 0)
current file number: 0
current block number: 0
So, it appears to be supported. Now all I have to do is apply my Newbie
Unix Learning Powers=81 to attempt to figure out exactly how to use the drive
-- josh escobedo
macintosh support & web design
University of Illinois at Chicago
Campus Auxiliary Services