Subject: Re: PowerMac 4400 powerup?
To: Xavier HUMBERT <>
From: Henry B. Hotz <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 02/12/2001 09:21:34
At 4:50 PM +0100 2/10/01, Xavier HUMBERT wrote:
>Le 10/02/2001 a 15:38 +0100 , Martin Husemann ecrivait :
>>Yes, it can be programmed into the power controller. Unfortunately, I think
>>you need to boot MacOS to do this. Someone (tm) should change this!
>Yes. Nevertheless, it's a good practice to burn a MacOS bootable
>(with network) CD, with SystemDisk 2.1.3 (patched) and BootVars
>copied onto it.
Can't you just boot from a standard MacOS distribution CD and run the
Energy Saver control panel from there? I can say the bit is sticky.
I did it once years ago before I even installed NetBSD and it still
Of course a CD like you describe is still useful to keep around.
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